
吹哨人 & 举报人报复性投诉


The Associate Vice President of 人力资源 has been designated by the President to receive complaints from Employees, 前雇员, and Applicants for CSU employment who wish to report alleged Improper Governmental Activity. 

第1115号行政命令(第二条), §G)定义不正当政府活动, 作为举报人披露报告, 作为活动:

  1. is in violation of any state or federal law or regulation, including, 但不限于, corruption, 渎职, bribery, 盗窃政府财产, 欺诈性索赔, fraud, coercion, conversion, 恶意起诉, 滥用政府财产, 或故意不履行职责, or

  2. is economically wasteful, or involves gross misconduct, incompetence, or inefficiency. 就本政策而言, “Improper Governmental Activity” includes Significant Threats to Health or Safety and Illegal Order(s).


  • 第1116号行政命令 - Reporting Procedures for Allegations of Retaliation for Having Made a Protected Disclosure under the California 吹哨人 Protection Act.

  • 第1115号行政命令 - Reporting Procedures for Protected Disclosure of Improper Governmental Activities and/or Significant Threats to Health or Safety.




犯罪现场组第1115号行政命令: Reporting Procedures for Protected Disclosure of Improper Governmental Activities and/or Significant Threats to Health or Safety.

Complaints are encouraged to be submitted in writing to the Appropriate Administrator designated by the campus President. Complaints may be submitted at the campus level or at the CO but must be submitted no later than 12 calendar months after the Complainant knew or should have known about the alleged Improper Governmental Activity. 投诉可使用 eo1115投诉表格, 也可以以书面形式提交, orally, or anonymously but should include the following information:

  1. The name and 联系信息 of the Complainant (i.e., 邮寄地址, 电子邮件地址, 和电话号码), the Complainant’s CSU position title or relationship with the CSU (if Complainant is a Third Party).
  2. A detailed description of the alleged Improper Governmental Activities, as defined in this EO. The description should include the name(s) and title(s) of the Employee(s) or official(s) allegedly engaged in the Improper Governmental Activities (the “Respondent(s)”). 
  3. The date(s) the alleged Improper Governmental Activities occurred.
  4. Other potential witnesses to the alleged Improper Governmental Activities, 每个人都知道的事实, 如果可能的话, 他们的正规澳门平台十大赌博. 
  5. Any documentation that supports the allegations of Improper Governmental Activities. Individuals should not attempt to obtain documents they do not have the authority to access.
  6. Descriptions of documents that support the allegations of Improper Governmental Activities, if the actual documents are not in the possession of the Complainant.  


To make a Complaint to the CSU Administrator, contact:

1000 E. 维多利亚街
Email: mponce@geo-drillchina.com

向文书主任作出投诉, the Complaint must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor, 应注明“保密”,收信人:


投诉亦可电邮至 EO-TitleIX-合规@calstate.edu

You may also file a complaint to the State Auditor by contacting:

P.O. Box 1019
加州审计员 does not accept complaints by email, but you may 网上投诉.



犯罪现场组第1116号行政命令:报告程序 Allegations of Retaliation for Having Made a Protected Disclosure under the California 吹哨人 Protection Act.

The CSU prohibits Retaliation by any Employee of the CSU against Employees, 前雇员, and Applicants for CSU employment for having made a Protected Disclosure.

对员工的报复, 前雇员, or applicant for CSU employment for exercising any rights under this EO is considered a separate issue and is covered under 第1116号行政命令, titled Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Retaliation for Having Made a Protected Disclosure under the California 吹哨人 Protection Act. 吹哨人 Retaliation complaints may be filed with the Appropriate Administrator designated by the President, 主管/经理, or the Chancellor’s Office (see 联系信息 above). The Retaliation Complaint must be received within 12 calendar months of the most recent alleged act of Retaliation.

吹哨人 Retaliation complaints may be submitted using the 报复性投诉表格 并且必须以书面形式提交,并包括:

  1. 投诉人姓名, 职位名称或申请职位, 邮寄地址, 电话号码, 和电子邮件地址.
  2. A detailed description of the original Protected Disclosure that led to the alleged Retaliation, including the name(s) and title(s) of the responsible Employee(s) who were alleged to have engaged in the Improper Governmental Activities.
  3. The name(s) of the individual(s) to whom the Improper Governmental Activity was reported, 以及披露的日期和方式.
  4. A description of the alleged actual or attempted retaliatory actions, 包括日期, the name(s) and title(s) of the Employee(s) who were alleged to have engaged in Retaliation, and an explanation of the reasons why those actions constituted Retaliation.
  5. A list of witnesses to the alleged actual or attempted retaliatory actions, 包括他们的名字, positions, 联系信息, 以及每个人都知道的事实.
  6. Copies of any documentary evidence that supports the Retaliation Complaint.
  7. A dated, Sworn Statement by the Complainant under penalty of perjury that the Retaliation Complaint is true or is believed by the Complainant to be true.